Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day morning stroll

Best thing I like about being a "Morning Person" is that peaceful walk in the garden early in the am with coffee in hand...this morning I had to stay away from the woods edge as I could hear the fox pups on the other side of my rock wall....we have a family, mom and 6 pups (which now seems to be down to Mom and 3 pups) living under a neighbors shed.........there have also been Fischer sightings (and hearings- that awful screeching) nightly, which may be why the pups seem to be dwindling.....I am surprised my outdoor cat has made it all these years.........

Today a couple more iris opened...
This one I "snuck" from my Mom and Dads yard, I have not seen them blooming in the location they have them , so decided to take 1 rhizome and try in my yard, not bad for the first year..I didn't expect a bloom for a couple years...This iris, I think, comes from my Mom's Grandmother's yard...Will need to get the story (and fess up to the snatching, when I ask for a few more )

This Iris has no history, just another pretty one I bought for the yard...

I also brought out my hummingbird feeder yesterday, and within the hour, the little ones came calling....this little guy came this morning while I was having coffee on the deck......

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