Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have 3 garden favorites (ok, I say that, but every time a flower blooms, I find myself calling it my favorite)....but really, I do think my 3 favorites are the Iris's , the Hydrangeas and the Peonies....all of them in every shape and form...and I have complied quite a collection over the years.....and continue to sneak more in :)

Today's pics are the last of my early May iris's (this one was mostly in the shade which is why its just blooming now)

The iris that opened yesterday...from my friend Brian, its just an old fashioned iris, might even be of the same vintage as my Mother's Grandmother's iris's, they look strikingly similar.

And this is the 2nd year in my yard for this gorgeous purple and white iris ..just opened this am..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Half Way though MAY!

May has been an odd day its 90 degrees and two days later you have your heat on because its 40 with a "wicked" New England Wind chill.....last weekend was really bitter cold,and I was sick, so it was pretty much a lousy weekend...this weekend, I am still sick, though I feel somewhat better, but it's a gorgeous sunny day, a little too windy,but ust so nice out... I have been puttering around the yard all day. I should be cleaning, but I am really behind in the garden beds, and we are moving the vegetable garden this there is lots of work to do.

I was kind to peeking at the progress of all the perennials, taking a photo of a new "classic" iris that a friend shared with me last year, when one of my little humming bird friends showed up, and hung around long enough for me to take a few pics......there will be so many more sightings as all the plants start blooming, but the the first couple of times they visit I really enjoy them.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The prettiest Lilac!

I have been waiting 10 years for these blooms.....took a cutting from my brother in laws yard 10 years ago because I loved the color... and after about 3 1/2 years in my yard, when it was about to start to bloom, we decided to move, so I took a cutting to my new yard....after 4 years we got 1 I am so happy that finally this is a multi bloom year...I think I counted 11.....still not enough to cut (maybe next year :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ahhhh the smell of spring!

Blossoms everywhere...... and that unbelievably wonderful sweet smell !!!

The blooms are so pretty I had to take a break from my mulching to take a few pics.