Friday, May 22, 2009

Catching Up with the May Blooms

Still A lot of blooms I am not posting, it's just too overwhelming to have so many photos in one blog, next year (if I am still doing this) I will post as they bloom, so there is a timeline of color !)

Here a few more flowers blooming in my yard in May.....
A Varigated Wegiela getting ready to bloom.. (I have several varieties....only 2 are varigated.)

This is a tiny (notice it next to the wild strawberries in photo) Iris that I got from Chris's brother Bob over a decade ago, doesn't spread like crazy so its a nice iris to have...not a lot of moving around required.

Last year we planted 2 new dogwoods...I bought one just before Mother's Day , much to Chris's dislike (as that was his Mother's day Gift idea)

And one (much bigger tree) Dogwood he bought me for my birthday ....guess he had his heart set on buyng me a Dogwood (either that or he had no other ideas :) )

The picture of the whole "shrub" did not come out well, so all you are getting is a branch...I bought this 2 years ago as about a 2 foot shrub, and planted it in a bed of compost ( I call it Garden Gold) 2 years later this "shrub" is 8 ft tall! Think I will need to trim it this year. It's Gigantic!!

One of the may varieties of Columbine I have in the garden....

This is a Snowdrift Crabapple that we planted the year we moved in...We had a gorgeous pink crabapple at our old house and I wanted a couple for this yard...Bought 2 when the pink buds were puffing out, and low and behold when they opened they were "white" blooms, hence the name "SnowDrift" DUH!

And lastly.....My bleeding heart...I think the most graceful Perennial in the yard, but unfortunately at the woods edge because they like shade......

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