Going back a month, as promised, to post some pictures of the few things that are flowering in my yard in April, being in zone 6, that isn't much.........but they brings thoughts of the warm weather to come and many hours of toiling in the garden........can not wait for the warm weather! (which today , May 21st is supposed to hit 90!)
One of the first flowers to bloom are the Grape Hyacinths..they are so cute in their little mounds, and they multiply nicely (which is usually a good thing!)
My Weeping Cherry tree is finally starting to establish...we had to dig it up, and replant it the year me moved in (5 years ago) so I think it's finally starting to like its new home....
This is a Dwarf Fringed Bleeding Heart (with a PJM Rhododendron blooming in the background), I got this from a friend at work (Thanks Brian) who likes gardening as much as I do....I have had it about 5 years and last year I split and shared with my friends Tim and Jen. I like this version because it blooms all summer, unlike the traditional Bleeding Heart.....
This is a "First Years Bloom" in my yard, got it last year on clearance (can't pass up a sale, even if it's flowers!)
This is a Leonard Messel Star Magnolia...will get about 20 feet, it starts out with purple rosebud like heads and then opens up to this pinkish purple color....can't wait till it gets bigger!
This is also a "First Years Bloom" in my yard, got this last year from my friends Tim and Jen, who love to garden as well, and are in the process of reforming their yard (they bought their home 2 years ago, so they have been doing lots of gardening!)
This is a Prunus Persica- NCSU Dwarf Flowering Peach- that they got on a vacation to NC, Tim's brother works at the JC Raulston Aboretum http://www.ncsu.edu/jcraulstonarboretum/index.php...
and gives them lots of specimens, which they were nice enough to share.... (side note, they got one too, and mine was the only one that flowered this year, so I feel a little guilty)
And lastly....this, is the new aggrevation in my life....Mr Groundhog, living under my neighbors shed....ate all the bark off my lilacs before I even spotted him.....hopefully he doesn't kill ALL my gardens this year....(note to self- purchase a have a heart!)