So the entire month of June was raining and about 50, July started out promising, but still has not been able to shake the rain, seems we get 2-3 days of sun then 2-3 days of rain...which makes for taking pictures a bit I have missed a lot of bloom shots, but the flowers are still growing and are not parched, and I haven't had to water hardly at all, so have to look at the glass as half full :)
The hydrangeas are gorgeous this year...still have 2 that have not bloomed in years, and am really thinking that they are not meant for this area (zone 6) so, this year I will burlap them , one last try, and if they don't bloom in the spring, they will be dug up , potted, and garaged over the winter (one last try!) to see if I get blooms in 2011.....I am one determined gardener!!
So anyway, here are a few photos of the hydrangeas currently blooming in July.
Here is a light blue hydrangea....
My newest hydrangea, really just starting to bloom, should be a deep pink, this is a dwarf, does not get more than 2 feet tall, and blooms all summer, good for a small hedge I would think.
My "Sweet Chris" hydrangea (otherwise known as "big smiles". How could I not have this in my garden?.
My "First Red" hydrangea. Only had 1 bloom last year so was excited to find 6 this how this one ages to a cranberry color.
And lastly, my favorite colored hydrangea, My "Nikko Blue" hydrangea...second photo complete with nesting grasshopper and frog, how cute!.
Happy Halloween!
11 years ago